Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Joke: Inagural comic strip!

Below you will find the inaugural comic strip,
"The Joke", created by AJ and Sam,
which will be a frequent part of our site...
get some giggles for free here, folks!

A Celebration of Creativity

If you're looking for some good ol' fashioned encouragement that the youth of today and the future of tomorrow don't just sit inside playing video games all day, look no further than the
electronic news and newspaper of KidzRuletheCourt

This blog was inspired by a group of kids from the "CulDSac" meeting outside on a beautiful day - a creative synergistic bunch who ended up creating a wonderful Dr. Seuss-like criss cross of hop-scotch patterns and landing-pad-like circles that curved and branched, flourished out like a stage production and regained simplicity again, all to add up to 1,000 hopscotch squares of all sizes and shapes, counted by calculator and verified by Guiness Book of World Records*
All in an hour and a half. 
The sheer amazement and glee by all of the road's transformation was the beginning of the brainstorm - this blog: meant to share the fun stuff we do and will do around here, as well as the writings, art, poetry, comics, videos and more made my the Kidz from the Court.  Check back often for more surprises, laughs, ideas and celebration of great kidz using their great minds!  Thanks for coming!

*Actually, a slight exaggeraton... and the REAL record for most # of hopscotch squares, which one fella ran inside to look up to see if they were close, is........ 15,762.93 FEET (THAT'S 3 MILES!)
by 2 adults.  Bummer.  Next time!